It is Time to Talk about ESSA

child speakingThere is the law, and then there are the regulations to implement the law.  Some say the new federal Department of Education proposed regulations for the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) overstep the intention of the law.  They create more stringent rules about testing and accountability than the ESSA intended.  The Florida Department of Education has put out a call for your input about the regulations. You have until July 22, 2016 to respond.  Responding in a meaningful way takes some thought.



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Manatee County to Promote Third Graders or Not?

The Tampa Bay Times dmbtestreports that the Manatee Superintendent will promote third graders after all who would otherwise qualify even though they do not have a FSA test score.  Superintendent Green was clearly vexed.  She cited telephone conversations and emails with the Florida Department of Education which clearly indicated students must have appropriate test scores in order to be promoted.

Today, the story changed.  Now, students can demonstrate mastery by developing a portfolio in a reading camp or by taking the Stanford Achievement test.  It is not clear that parents will accept these alternatives when their children have demonstrated good reading skills in their classroom performance and report cards.  Stay tuned.  This has gone past politics and logical reasoning.

The Superintendent is between a rock and a hard place. She opposed the FSA last year, but she felt she had to follow Department of Education edicts.  Unfortunately for her, the story from the DOE changed between Friday and Tuesday.  Testing, Florida style.

Testing Reform to Rise Again

IMG_0471Is there hope for a rational testing system?  Senator Don Gaetz has been a moderating voice on Florida’s overwrought testing and accountability system.  He called for the reduction of the weight from 50% to 30% of the student gain scores that are counted in teacher evaluations.  Then, in the 2015 session, he proposed substituting national tests like the SAT and ACT for the FSA.  Since college bound students must take these tests anyway, it is redundant to have them sit for state assessments as well.


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Federal Accountability Rules for School Grades

hat-157980_1280Criteria for new school grades are drafted by the U.S. Department of Education.  Under this new plan, states can choose their own indicators of school quality or student success that move beyond the traditional accountability measures based on test scores or graduation rates.  School Report Cards must also be made in consultation with parents.  The draft document is now under review and open for comment  It includes:






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Kindergarten Readiness: To Test or Not to Test

teacher-590109_1280Remember when Susan Bowles, the kindergarten teacher in Gainesville said “NO” to the kindergarten readiness test?  The kids could not reliably use the computer mouse.  One thing for sure was that the children just beginning kindergarten were not computer ready!

The State put the test on hold last year.  This year they tried an alternative test.



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Fla DOE Drops K-2 Test

baby-84626_1280Remember Susan Bowles’ decision not to test her kindergartners?  They just plain had trouble navigating the test with the mouse.  If they made a mistake with the mouse, they made a mistake on the test.  Susan Bowles said enough was enough.  She went to her superintendent who agreed.

Now the State Department of Education agrees.  Commissioner Pam Stewart has sent a letter to Owen Roberts, Alachua County Superintendent.  It states that K-2 required testing using FAIR is now suspended through out the State.  Three cheers–maybe more for Susan Bowles.  You can read the letter here.