North Carolina Voucher Case Hits Supreme Court

justiceArguments in the Hart et al vs, North Carolina were heard in the North Carolina Supreme Court on February 17th.

This is a straight forward voucher case.  The legislature voted to fund $4,200 vouchers for private schools.  There is no tax credit dodge here.  There is, however, a constitutional requirement that the state raise funds exclusively for a ‘free and uniform public school system’.

The arguments have a familiar ring.

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Update on HR 5: Unfinished Business

The report that HR 5 to seriously limit the authority of the U.D. Department of Education, restructure Title I funding for low income area schools, and eliminate the Common Core standards among other measures, has not been pulled as previously announced by Rep. Amash.

Two amendments were offered:

HR 5 (#43) Thompson (MS).  HR 5 will not go into effect until it can be assured there will be no adverse affect on low income, minority, and English learner students.

HR 5 (#44) Scott (Va).  The amendment would replace # 43 and call for robust funding, replace No Child Left Behind, and maintain civil rights and equity.

The committee voted to rise and leave the bill as unfinished business.


Visiting Day Care Centers


by Janet Allen

The LWVAlachua education committee made visits to numerous child care centers in Alachua County that ranged from family centers to large commercial centers like O2B Kids and Baby Gator. We had the opportunity to talk to teachers and administrators as well as children.  When we asked about current needs they were remarkably the same.

Our Florida legislature has a major bill (SPB 7006) to improve childcare standards, and the Governor’s budget includes funds to expand the Voluntary PreK program for four year olds.  There are, however, many different types of childcare programs, and we are learning how their programs differ and what their challenges are to provide quality childcare.

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Repurposing Struggling Schools: A Different Approach for Public Schools

education-548105_1280Alachua County, Florida Superintendent Owen Roberts announced a plan to restructure three elementary schools.  Two are struggling schools that have received funding to extend school days, add teachers, and add tutors.  The schools still struggle, and they are under enrolled.  Part of the problem is due to students who leave for charters and private schools in hopes of improving access to better schools.  Unfortunately, those options make little difference for those students either.  So, what do you do when conventional wisdom does not help? Continue reading

Common Core: Are We In or Out?

common coreCOMMON CORE: Are We IN or OUT?

There is much angst about Common Core Standards (CCS). People disagree about what children should know and be able to do. The new standards focus on learning how to evaluate how well students understand what they read and how well they grasp math concepts.  All students are expected to be college and career ready.  The arguments have a familiar ring. Students differ.  The Florida League of Women Voters asks: Is it fair to have the same high expectations for all students?   Is it fair not to?  Is this even the correct question?

Some say that the standards are not the problem, the amount of testing required to measure the standards.  They argue that testing to evaluate teachers and schools is misguided. How is the Florida legislature responding? Is it possible to find some common ground?

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Congress to Vote on H.R. 5 NEXT FRIDAY: Send your opinion

US House SealAn important vote on H.R. 5 is scheduled Friday.  While the League of Women Voters supports national curriculum guidelines and assessment of skills that compares the student achievement across similar districts, it also supports local implementation of the curricula and skills.   The operative definition of the League’s position is that all children should have access to an equitable, quality education.  To what extent does this bill have the desired result?

The bill severely cuts the role of the U.S. Department of Education.  It also freezes funding until 2021.  Finally, it increases support for charter schools and allows Title I funding for low income schools to be moved to other schools.  The bill has generated controversy.  Specific requirements follow.

If you wish to contact your legislators, a contact list is below.

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