Prior to the Louisville, Kentucky Save Our Schools forum on Thursday, Diane and I were interviewed by the local radio. Diane is on the first seven minutes. I follow her. We cover privatization of schools and testing. We also covered social issues such as racial and economic segregation, charter vs. public school achievement, tax credit scholarships, teacher turnover Then, we cover for-profit charter profiteering. We close with the funding drain from public schools and describe the consequences for public school facilities and programs. We even mentioned the PACT campaign against for-profit charters. We closed with some signs of hope.
If you would like to listen, click here. The link is for October 11th and appears at the bottom of the screen.
Ditto on the comment above. Thank you so much for your leadership and commitment to PUBLIC education. You have helped us in NM to speak out for legislation that will curtail self-dealing and charter school proliferation.
Sue, thank you for sharing your radio interview. In a perfect world you and Diane Ravitch would co-chair as Secretary for the US Department of Education. You two have been ahead of the game on Common Core, testing evaluation and privatization of public education for many years. The LWV needs to stop being played by elected officials even if some are League members. Local politicians have their own agenda and walk to the beat of campaign supporters and PAC donations and under no circumstance should they direct the League as to what and how committee research is conducted.