Time to Enjoy and Reflect on the Coming Year

This time of the year can make us feel we must run just to keep up with all that needs to be done.  On the other hand, we can decide to slow down and enjoy the celebrations.  I like these ‘enjoy the moment’ times and will not be posting much for the next week or so.

It will be useful to mull over what is the best use of our blog this next year.  The changes in Congress will have an impact on education policy.  No doubt states will have more control over how federal funds are spent and how accountable they will need to be.  School choice programs will continue and perhaps escalate.  Testing is likely to continue, but in what form? The debate over whether choice promotes quality will continue.  Stay tuned….send your ideas on how to communicate the issues clearly, concisely, and fairly.

Remember to click the title of the post:  Time to Enjoy… and scroll down to send your comments.

Posted in Uncategorized.

One Comment

  1. LWV-ED is a great joy to me. I have conscientiously opened every on of Diane Ravitch’s blogs – and find my computer time dominated by the many issues she raises. I appreciate Sue Legg helping to focus my reading both on Florida stories and on those posts from other states e.g. the Las Cruses NM LWV posting which are most relevant to keeping me informed on the education issues central to LWV study and action. Thank you, Sue Legg!

    And Thank You Florida Leaguers who are doing such a good job of researching education issues in your areas.

    Karen West

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