Testing Changes Aired in Senate

Yesterday’s the Senate K12 budget committee aired proposals to reduce testing.  Politico reports the following:

Eliminating required end of course exams in English, U.S. history, civics, algebra and geometry.

Allowing the use of paper and pencil as well as computer based examinations.

Substituting nationally normed tests for state assessments.

Exempting high performing students from state assessments.

Moving test administration to the last three weeks of the school year.



District superintendents as well as a representative from the Bush Foundation for Florida’s Future testified before the committee.  The committee chair, David Simmons acknowledged the impact of the Bush Foundation on Florida education policy.  He remains committed to the education accountability process but wants what he calls common sense reforms.

Prior attempts for meaningful reform to testing practices have met strong resistance in the House.  This is a time to let legislators hear your views.

Posted in Achievement, Florida, Florida Senate, Public Education, Testing.

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