Can you imagine a school like this? It is real. Rawlings School has been transformed. It was one of our lowest achieving public schools last year. Three months later there is an excitement and energy. Rawlings is now a magnet school for the arts.
Inside the building, the space is beautiful and well lit. It is designed for music, art, dance, and theater. As you enter the school, music will greet you. I plan to follow the school to see their new staff in action. Follow it with me.
Yes, there is more to be done. Landscapers will roll in this fall to create a ‘garden’ effect that teachers and staff are designing. A new office area is on the schedule. It will make parents feel that this is a school that matters.
I was struck by a comment that teachers were involved in the planning of the interior and exterior spaces. These teachers were recruited to open the magnet. They are artists, actors and musicians—and teachers who understand what it takes to help children learn.
These kids are dancing. I can’t wait to see a picture of them in the ballet studio.
Soon will they will be playing violins and all sorts of instruments–even steel drums! They will come to school excited and eager to learn. Sure there will the three Rs, but what an opportunity to incorporate them into activities that excite children.
You might wonder where the money came from. The superintendent did not use general funds. He prioritized other categorical funds. There was no special grant. The programs will not disappear; they are part of the ongoing budget. This school could become a drawing card for the entire district.
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