The League of Women Voters invites you to join us in Gainesville on March 4th. We are celebrating the Schools of the Future with Peggy Brookins, CEO of the National Professional Teachers Certification organization. She is on the President’s Commission on Education. Peggy was a teacher and innovator in Florida for many years before joining the National Board.
Following her presentation will be a panel of educators who will respond to audience questions. Panelists include the Deputy Superintendent, Teacher of the Year, elementary and secondary curriculum specialists and the head of the Alachua County Council of PTAs.
This is an open meeting. It is co-sponsored by the Gainesville Foundation, the School Board, and the ACCPTA. Let me know if you plan to come from other areas.
For more information, contact:
Jackie Johnson, Alachua County Schools (352) 955-7545
Sue Legg, League of Women Voters/(352) 373-5890
Public invited to learn, talk about education at upcoming forum
Parents, teachers and other local citizens are invited to attend an upcoming education forum to learn more about and discuss the opportunities and challenges facing schools.
The theme of the forum will be ‘Schools of the Future.’ It is being organized and sponsored by the Alachua County League of Women Voters, the Alachua County Council of PTAs, The Education Foundation of Alachua County and Alachua County Public Schools.
The forum’s keynote address will be given by Peggy Brookins, CEO of the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards and a member of the President’s Advisory Commission on Education. Following Brookin’s presentation, a panel of parents and educators will respond to questions and comments from the audience about education in general and local schools in particular. The discussion will be moderated by Sue Legg, president of the League.
“We want to talk about the kind of environment that’s necessary for high-quality teaching and learning,” said Legg. “That includes everything from monitoring student progress to empowering teachers and parents.”
Among the panelists will be Deputy Superintendent Karen Clarke, the new Teacher of the Year Lauren Marlowe, President of the Alachua County Council of PTA’s Khanh-Lien Banko, Executive Director of Secondary and Elementary Curriciulum Donna Jones, and curriculum specialist Kevin Berry.
The forum will be held on Saturday, March 4 from 9:30 to noon in Gainesville High School’s multi-purpose room. The school is located at 1900 NW 13th Street. The forum is open to the public.