The U.S. Department of Education has proposed regulations to curb charter school management problems. The regulations are tied to federal funding. This is great news! They tackle for-profit charter schools and require community impact studies of charter schools. The Department wants your feedback. Please submit your comments here.
Below I have summarized my comments about the proposed regulations.The Department needs to hear from you. Please stand up and be counted.
I am writing in response to the invitation to submit comments regarding “Proposed Priorities, Requirements, Definitions, and Selection Criteria-Expanding Opportunity Through Quality Charter Schools Program (CSP)-Grants to State Entities (SE Grants)
I strongly support the Department’s attempt to ensure that charter schools operated by for-profit management corporations do not receive CSP grants. As a resident of Florida, I can attest to the problems created by for-profits running schools. In my state, over 50% of our charter schools are run by for-profit management companies.
I strongly support the proposed regulations that seek to bring greater transparency and assess the impact of a new charter school on the community. I especially support the inclusion of a community impact analysis “to inform the need, number, and types of charter schools to be created in a given community.”
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to submit comments. And thank you for proposing much needed reforms.
Sue Legg
Please seriously consider denying CSP grants to for profit Charter schools. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.
The idea of taxpayer money going to a school that is not fully transparent to the public is riduculous, to say the least. Where is the accountability?
Sue, I sent in a comment, copying much of yours. Hope that is okay?
Absolutely. Tell everyone you know to comment! Thank you.