The telephone lines to D.C. were jammed with protest votes over the DeVos nomination for U.S. Secretary of Education. In Florida, Senator Rubio voted yes and Senator Nelson voted no. The U.S. Senate was tied and VP Pence broke the tie.
I saw a note about a one sentence bill to abolish the Department of Education. It was filed by Rep. Thomas Massie RKY. He thinks local parents and communities should control schools. He may be right.
We have to insist in every way possible that the public recognize the lack of accountability for low income children in these small, mostly religious schools. They get less money than they would in public schools. They do not have certified teachers and do not use the state curriculum. They do not take state tests. One has to wonder if these children do not deserve the best that Florida has to offer OR Florida’s public schools are getting the shaft by having to comply with a bad accountability system.
Which is it?
I am not surprised the Senator Rubio voted for Devoes since he received 98,000 dollars in campaign contributions, the most of any national legislator. Many of the senators voting yes received 10’s of thousands of dollars from Devoe. The best democracy money can buy is not democracy.