Schools Within School: Approaches to Discipline

whistle-149678_1280No excuses discipline policies create as many problems as they solve.  Students are suspended, hit the streets and create more trouble.  When they return to school, it is a downward cycle.

School districts are adopting new strategies for managing bad behavior management strategies.  Just as in law enforcement, schools are reevaluating who is being targeted and why.

The Miami Herald reports that a new approach to discipline in Miami-Dade schools will require extensive retraining and a massive culture change.  The district has 36,000 suspensions.  They have taken a multi-pronged strategy.

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New Mexico Struggles Against Inequity


el-morro-national-monument-140118_1280‘New Mexico’s education department is in court.  So are those in 12 other states, including Florida.  This lawsuit is about money, but not just the amount of money.  In New Mexico, the population is different from many states, and the needs are greater.

Meredith Machen sent information about their state that helps to better understand the challenges they face.   Take heart, some public education advocates are winning in court.

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Failure Factories: Your Worst Nightmare

child-513468_1280We have all heard about violence in some schools.  This second piece in the Tampa Bay Times on the Pinellas County failing schools should have a disturbing warning.  It is not disturbing, it is frightening.  Ignoring problems makes them worse, much worse.

I hesitated to post this story, but we need to know what happens when those who can, flee and refuse to deal with who is left.  This is the picture that some paint about the impact of socio-economic resegregation of our schools.  We can avoid this scenario if we have the will and the common sense not to divide our communities.  Behaviors can be managed if the children receive the help they need.

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Broward School Bonds Back in the News

ft lauderdaleBroward Schools are struggling to make things right.  Sometimes you may try too hard.  This time the district is determined to avoid corruption or even the appearance of it.  The voters have told the district to spend money and improve the schools, and getting that to happen is harder than it seems.   I am interested in how public school districts are trying to meet the challenges they confront.  I hope you are too. Read Margery’s account of a good problem that still makes the news.

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Pinellas Failure Factories: Resegregation is the heart of the problem

toddlers-303904_1280Who is at fault when schools fail?  School reformers say “Teachers” or “Rule Bound School Districts”.  The Tampa Bay Times is running a series on something much more basic.  Using examples of five of the worst failing schools in Florida, the authors cite the decline of these schools since the 2007 decision to abolish the school integration plan in Pinellas County.  At the time, promises were made but not kept.Continue reading

Teacher Shortage: A Blip or a Trend

teachers wanted board-106588_1280Are teachers leaving in droves?  Some press releases predict the Armageddon in 2020 when the teacher shortage really hits.  The baby boomer teachers will have retired, and student enrollments will peak.  Curiously, we also read that there are twice as many elementary teachers now than we need.  Yet, there are never enough ESE and ELL teachers.  Florida is short on reading and math teachers too.

I went to the Bureau of Labor and the National Center for Education Statistics to see what I could see.  I saw something.  The problem is real just not everywhere.  I tell you where.

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Is the Jeb Bush Florida Education Miracle Hogwash?

pig washFollow the trail of AlterNet’s story of Jeb Bush’s charter school hoax in Florida.  In the middle of Jeff Bryant’s piece you will find his interview with me about charter management issues.  The story begins with Jeb Bush’s conversations back in the 90’s that started the charter school movement.   If you do not know this story, you will find it illuminating.

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Who are Florida Teacher Bonuses Really For?

money packs-163497_1280Why would the Florida legislature appropriate over $44 million to give $10,000 bonuses to teachers who had  high ACT/SAT test scores when they were in high school?  Some teachers took the tests years ago, and verifying their scores is next to impossible.

Encouraging young, bright people to seek careers in education is a good thing.  Awarding a bonus might tempt some to teach for a year or two, but teacher turnover is high.  A one time bonus would not help much.  There may be another reason.

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