Bay County Finds Charter ‘Creaming’

Bay County finds segregation in its charters.  In a 2012-15 comparison of students who entered a charter and did not  enter a charter, the socio economic differences were stark.





Higher-performing students from non-charters have transitioned to charters.  The enrollment in charters jumped from 4.4% to 11.5% between 2009-10 and 2014-15.

Based on an ANOVA analysis using data for days absent, SES, ESE, and all test scores from 2012-2014-15, charters receive students who have fewer days absent and higher math and reading scores.  Public schools have a higher proportion of students from families receiving federal assistance and who are classified as ESE.

Charter and non charter students differ significantly by gender, underrepresented minority status, military family status, exceptionality status, number of moves, and reading and math scores.  Black students are 8.7% of the charter enrollment but 17.4% of the public school enrollment.

The League of Women Voters in Florida asks:

What is the choice:  integrate or segregate?

If Bay County is an example of the decisions being made, civil rights in Florida are at risk.









Posted in Charter School Management, Charter Schools, Civil Rights, Disability, Florida, Public Education, Resegregation, Uncategorized.

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