The two new bills heard in the Senate Appropriations Committee today were not really new. Senator Gaetz collapsed a number of existing bills into two omnibus bills. The recess bill did not get included. The limit on capital outlay for public school facilities was included.
The second bill relates to early childhood education, open enrollment, dual enrollment, private school sports participation, and charter school accountability.
These bills move on next week. A lot of negotiation will happen between the House and the Senate. The specifics follow:
SB 524 turned into an omnibus bill today. It incorporated versions of several bills including:
- Best and Brightest House program version extension
- Florida College Performance-Based Initiative and Emergent state preeminent university status
- Principal autonomy pilot program SB434
- Military installation children
- Competency based student learning pilot program SB 1714
- Charter school issuance of need SB1360
- Special facilities construction account SB1064 Flores would reduce capital outlay to 1 mill
- Weighted funding approach to charter funds that had 75% low income students or 25% enrollment of students with disabilities
- Prohibit capital outlay for personal enrichment and limit it to facilities owned by schools, non profit, or independent charters who had no related parties who owned the property
- OPPAGA cost limit study and set limit based on per student station
SB 1166 was also a substitute amendment that covered:
- Early childhood education: background checks; prohibition to hire staff with certain felony offenses, facility inspections, preservice and inservice training, increase supply and quality of programs for: infants and toddlers, children with disabilities, low income areas, military children and underserved areas
- Revision of dual enrollment and certification program regulation
- Open enrollment
- Sports participation for private schools
- Increased charter school accountability