I loved the line in this Capital News story about the public education trial going on in Tallahassee right now. Susan Bowles was asked by the defense attorney if she had enough books in her classroom. She answered: “Yes, and guess who paid for them.”
Susan Bowles is the Gainesville teacher who refused to administer the state FAIR reading readiness kindergarten test because her students could not all use the computer mouse. She won her argument, and the FAIR was suspended statewide.
Ms. Bowles testified the children were all learning and making gains, but the State declared that many were not succeeding; they did not meet state standards. She paid at least $1500 out of her own pocket for instructional supplies. She teaches in an ‘A’ school, but not all students (about 20%) are not kindergarten ready. She makes a strong argument that the state does not meet its obligation for school quality. You can see why if you listen to her testimony yesterday. Click here.
Watched it yesterday. An amazing exchange between a young attorney who sought to portray Bowles as having no experience or information relevant to education policy since she only knows what happens in her own classroom. Very much the argument of ed reform proponents both nationwide and at the state level who do not value parents and teacher’s input on what reform should look like and find it inconvenient when protests arise against policy that actually harms children. Of course he was doing his job but I do not think he was initially aware of how arrogant and elitist his argument appeared. Bowles may have corrected his view somewhat.