Florida’s Citizens for Strong Schools case was a school funding case that the Florida Supreme Court decided was not ‘justiciable’. In the majority opinion, the school policy was the purview of the legislature. The New Mexico education funding case had a different outcome. Their schools will get some relief. See the article below from Meredith Machen.
Exciting news from New Mexico about the landmark education ruling that will be of great interest and helpful to other states with similar claims related to education funding.
At the link below is annotated version of the “insufficiency” case, which is resulting in New Mexico’s spending an additional $450-600 million each year on education and overhauling our system to address the needs of at-risk students (in the broadest sense of the word and defined here). Public education is already 43% of the our budget, so this ruling will increase funding to 46% or more. It is quite exciting to have witnessed and be witnessing this amazing turn of events in education. Here is Robert Nott’s summary of the key articles on the Yazzie v. Martinez* decision. I suggest you start reading at p. 533 of the 608 page doc because it refers to federal and state rulings that set precedents.
Michelle Lujan Grisham, our new governor, will not challenge Judge Singleton’s ruling against our previous governor along with Hanna Skandera, our previous PED secretary. The case would have gone to the NM Supreme Court. Instead New Mexico is on a new, long-overdue, desperately needed trajectory, which I recommend you watch.