A Gainesville parent with four children teamed up with a granddad who is a retired teacher. They are spreading the word by organizing PTA and School Advisory Council meetings across the city. Their campaign is to support the Citizen for Strong Schools lawsuit.
The lawsuit comes to trial in Tallahassee in March 2016. The suit contends that Florida is shortchanging our children. We are the third largest state with next to the bottom level of support for our schools.
They are passionate about public schools. Read Rik’s article in the Gainesville Sun this week. It is called: Ensure Florida Adequately Funds Education.
There is now a website called Five for Change . It has lots of information. http://www.5forchange.org/ . They are asking for a five dollar donation to support the lawsuit. Think what could happen if a thousand people sent in a donation. What a boost in morale it could be. You can be counted. Your organizations can be recognized on the webpage.
Florida League President, Pam Goodman endorses the campaign. You can too where ever you live. The suit helps all schools in Florida!
They are holding meetings all over the county. Everyone interested in supporting public education is welcome. The first one was at Eastside high school. The next ones are in the media rooms at 6:30 pm on:
January 21st: Santa Fe High School
January 26th: Gainesville High
February 2nd: Hawthorne High
February 9th: Buchholz High
February 11th: Newberry High