Halloween is past, but scary things are still happening. Sen. Jeff Brandes, St. Petersburg, and Matt Caldwell, Ft. Myers, filed resolutions to change the Florida constitution to remake school districts.
Category Archives: Constitutionality
Growth Slowing in Statewide Voucher Programs
Voucher programs, funded directly by states for private school tuition, are yet another form of school choice. Vouchers are now unconstitutional in Florida which was the first state to implement them. They were replaced by corporate tax credit scholarships. In spite of the state supreme court decision, vouchers for students with disabilities have not been challenged in court.
North Carolina’s vouchers are under appeal. New York’s legislature is currently battling over whether to fund forms of vouchers and tax credits. The legal basis for vouchers varies due to differences in wording in state constitutions. Florida’s constitution Bush vs Holmes clearly specified that funds must go to public schools. A similar argument is being made in North Carolina.
The Center for Evaluation in Education Policy at Indiana University reports on private school vouchers in the four states that offer them for general education students. These are new, rapidly growing programs that now may be slowing. How they differ is instructive.
Florida League of Women Voters Positions on School Choice
Some of you have been asking about the Florida League positions on school choice. The positions were formally adopted at the convention last year. They will be included in Study and Action when it is updated. The League strongly opposes tax credit scholarships. The Florida League supports Florida’s constitution provision for a uniform, efficient, high quality public school system. While charter schools are legally public schools, the League supports stronger district management and oversight to make them better conform to constitutional requirements. Specific principles and positions are listed below.
We have posted a summary of the new Alachua County, Florida’s Superintendent of Schools 100 Day Report on the FEATURE OF THE WEEK banner of the blog.
Dr. Owen Roberts was appointed to the superintendent position 3 months ago and has spent the time in an intensive review of the district. How his vision for the county will be implemented is likely to be another one of those fascinating stories.
He addresses testing, funding, school equity, curriculum, early education, brain development, as well as parent and community involvement. Click on the banner at the top of the Home Page of our blog to track this very bold initiative. It has those pieces of colored chalk. We will update the post as new information becomes available. Who says public schools cannot be innovative?
What is the Unkindest Cut of All?
Charters and traditional public schools are claiming that their funding allocations are inadequate and unfair.
Given the massive cuts in education funding, their claims are not trivial. Their arguments, however, are different. Judges are ruling differently as well. Based on information reported by Education Justice, a program of the New Jersey based Education Law Center, and Access, a research institute at Columbia University, charters want facilities and traditional public schools seek fairness.Continue reading
Taking the Right of Free Public Education Out of Constitution
Taking the Right of Free Public Education Out of ConstitutionContinue reading