For years, some legislators have tried to get part of the local districts’ school facility money. Now, they are trying again. In an effort led by Representative Erik Fresen, HB 873 has a new substitute version that would:
Monthly Archives: February 2016
Californian’s File Petition to Repeal Charters
Diane Ravitch published this post about a California group determined to repeal California’s charter school laws. Hmmm, any volunteers?
PreK to Third Grade: To Play or Not to Play?
Should we test babies? How else do you get the message across about the importance of preschool for brain development? Even if you do test toddlers, there is disagreement over what to do about delayed development. Some researchers argue persuasively that instructive play is the most effective strategy. Others focus on the need to develop language skills in prescriptive ways. Regardless of philosophy, where this learning occurs matters.
The Center for American Progress report Examining Quality Across the Pre-school to Third Grade Continuum finds that gaps in learning are apparent at nine months and significant gaps are noticeable at 24 months. By kindergarten , forty-eight percent of poor children meet school readiness levels while 75% of moderate to high income children are ready. Children from low income families do attend preschools, but a study of these schools revealed quality gaps.
Five types of programs were evaluated using a 7 point scale from the Early Childhood Ratings-Revised. The study found that access to high quality early childhood education is limited and varies by type and by racial and socio-economic background. On average, all programs were above the minimal quality level (rating of 3). None of the programs, however, achieved an average rating of five to qualify as ‘good quality’.
Even within the same type of program, there is a range of quality. For example, the quality of Head Start programs for blacks on average, tends to be of much lower than for Head Start centers which enroll primarily white or Hispanic children.
- public school centers (4.64)
- private school (4.33)
- child care centers (4.20)
- Head Start programs (4.85)
- Preschool and nursery programs (4.58).
The classroom experiences of children from preschool to grade 3 differ. Children from low income families and children of color are less likely to receive instruction in crucial literacy and numeracy skills. In order to close achievement gaps in the early grades, preschoolers need support to develop not only basic skills but also appropriate higher order thinking and problem solving skills. In early elementary grades–kindergarten through second grade teachers appear to spend less time developing the higher order thinking skills that are critical for school success.
“By the end of kindergarten, children are expected to gain knowledge in letters, print recognition and phoneme awareness, recognize words, begin to read, spell, and write; and demonstrate increased vocabulary and knowledge of the world.”
The report concludes that “Academic skills alone may not help students develop the skills they need …Standards such as sharing, self control and building relationships with peers and adults have generally been left out for elementary, middle and high school students”.
The solutions are obvious but not easy. Children from deprived backgrounds need access to high quality early education. This will require greater investments at federal, state, and local levels. Standards should be aligned and include consistent metrics and data systems to track access to quality between preschool and third grade. Teacher preparation programs and professional development programs must incorporate information about children’s development in all domains to support higher order skill building.
The debate in the media challenges the critical thinking and problem solving standards introduced through the Common Core. Supporters, however, decry the limitations of didactic teaching and learning strategies. The operative words are ‘what children should know and be able to do’. Not all children may reach any given standard, but the objectives for instruction and access to quality must be clear. Instructional strategies will and should vary. Teacher preparation and development programs must focus on teachers’ content knowledge, developing effective problem solving and and higher order skills teaching strategies along with the methods to develop the social and emotional skills children need to be successful.
The problems are obvious. The learning goals are clear. What is missing are consensus and commitment. Change must be possible without imposing arbitrary standards and punitive measures. A commitment to changes in funding priorities at federal, state, and local levels must be made. If parents believed that a coherent strategy, well implemented was possible, their suspicions about the intrusive collection of data on children and the profiteering motives related to private sector involvement in curriculum and assessment might diminish.
Florida Gets an ‘F’ Again
Which states get it right? Not Florida. It was one of eight states that received an overall grade of ‘F’ when its grades were averaged across the categories studied. The Network for Public Education rated states based on six criteria.
For each category, I combined the percentages of A, B and C grades received across states. I was surprised at the results. Relatively few states (11) use test scores to punish students and teachers, but Florida is one of those that do. You can see the combined percentages (think of them as passing scores) at the end of each of the criteria.
Beware Online Charters
I have something positive to say about the Walton Foundation report on online charters. Yes, it is true that the Foundation has spent billions of dollars on school choice and launched many online charter schools. They decided to evaluate their investment, however, and the results were very disturbing.
Charter Fraud: Ohio Style
Florida has charter fraud problems and so does Ohio–among other states. Privatization of schools opens up opportunities for profiteering without oversight. The federal government has finally gotten involved in the Ohio charter scandals. It took awhile. They are holding up a $71 million grant to they had awarded to expand charters. This is one of those scandals from which the Governor cannot hide.
Academica: For Profit Charter Firm Awards Worthless College Credit
Academica, the largest charter for profit management firm, strikes again. This is one of those stories that has sequels. Last year, I posted a story from the Miami Herald about Doral Academy high school. It ‘loaned’ $400,000 of public money to Doral College to launch an online dual enrollment program. Doral College was unaccredited and had no students. Both the charter high school and the college are operated by Academica. The auditor took exception…again.