These FSBA legislative priorities for 2015 reflect many of the League’s positions to support public schools. They address accountability and testing, facilities, funding, school choice options, and local control. An overview of the positions includes:
Accountability and Assessment: Extend the transition period for accountability until 2016, use testing only for diagnostic purposes, increase funding for professional development, and establish an independent state review panel for a revised accountability system.
Funding: Increase in per student funding, eliminate the cap on funding for 6 period/1.0 FTE day, and increase funding for extended school day for low performing schools.
Facilities: Modify existing regulations to allow districts more flexibility and funding for facility construction and maintenance.
School Choice Options: Increase local control of charter authorization and oversight; ensure the same fiscal and academic accountability standards are used for all schools, and repeal of the Corporate Tax Credit Scholarship Program.
Local Control: Repeal requirement that school opening must not be more than 14 days before Labor Day and place a moratorium on unfunded mandates for expanded school district responsibilities.