“An incisive and devastating critique of the Bush A+ Plan”

You have to tell it like it is, especially when so many people have so much money invested in a failing education reform policy. Read the summary of the report: Twenty Years Later: Jeb Bush’s A+ Plan fails Florida’s Children posted by Diane Ravitch. Find out the hard truth about the impact of the A+ Plan on student achievement, school grades, teaching, and communities. Insist on an end to policies that seek to destroy public schools and rob children of a high quality education.

Posted in Charter School Management, Civil Rights, Common Core Standards, Constitutionality, Curriculum, ESSA, Facilities, Florida, Funding, Lawsuits, Legislation, Public Education, Resegregation, Tax credit scholarships, Teachers, Testing, Uncategorized, Vouchers.


  1. Thanks for your incredible research into all of the effects of these so-called reforms. The report is insightful and significant for other states as well. Unfortunately, NM adopted Florida’s policies also. Now we are having to undo the damage that Hanna Skandera did here after working for Jeb. Our previous governor now works for his agency and wants to get federal policies and other states to fall into the same quagmire. Blowing the whistle loud and clear now may save the futures of many kids and the budgets of many states. Circulate the report widely and get the conclusions on the front page of papers, please. Meredith Machen, LWVNM.

    • I was very pleased about the results of the NPE report on the loss of a billion dollars in federal start up funds for charters that never opened or soon closed. We have to continue to expose the corruption, but the big issue is the whole reform policy. Will states continue to resegregate schools at tax payer expense??

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